Monday, March 3, 2008

What is a Nurse?

According to a nurse is responsible—along with other health care professionals—for the treatment, safety, and recovery, or demise of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care. Nurses are also quite essential in meeting end-of-life needs and assist in the grieving process associated with death and dying.

That my friends is the word for word definition of a nurse. Personally, if you were to ask me I only have a short definition for that. A nurse is a person who helps you in any problem that you have, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. A nurse can be a professional RN, she can be your mom, your "yaya" or simply your friend. Why do I say that?

Ofcourse in the hospital setting, it is the professsional RN that takes care of us, but at home, who is there to listen, and feel with us all kinds of pain? It's our mom mostly, sometimes our "yayas" and most often, it's our friends. This post is my dedication to all the people who have been "nurses" in my life that have been great influences in getting me to where I am today.

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